Thursday, February 5, 2009

Save Job

In this time of recession,isn't it a better idea to reduce the pay scale of everyone in the hierarchy so that job loss could be avoided?
Nevertheless reduced pay scale won't affect the spending caliber of an individual because due to job loss there is gap in demand and supply. This gap has pushed inflation rocketing downwards . So,the price of commodities have eventually decreased .And hence the reduced pay won't affect them eventually and we can also save job loss.


  1. You do have a good solution there, but knowing how people function it is least possible. Have you heard of people making an effort for the comfort of others? And that too on a such a large scale?Mass consideration :) .. even the word sounds improbable. Every1 wants what they can have.
    The root of recession is not lack of funds, but "mis-directed" funds. What you reccomend is correcting this root only.

  2. If,the decision makers would act on this,than it would bring prosperity both to the business and the individual involved in it. Because,truncation of the salary would entitle safety of their job,with a promise to revamp it with the growth of the company along with the market.

  3. If you've read Jack Welch's straight from the gut, you'd already know :) what he did in his years as the ceo of GE. He laid off people, his reasoning being the company's need of the best and not many, quality over quantity. He believed this pushed his employees to stay on their toes, their skills up to the standards. He promised them not job stability but lifelong employability.
    I guess the tact lies in balancing both - lay offs and stability!
    It makes sense, look at how lousily the work is done in govt offices...
    Coming to Ayn Rand, I do not believe in her philosophy. Selfishness isn't a virtue, Howard wasn't alive in true sense. You need to appreciate more than onething in life else you are indeed wasting a plethora of knowledge by staying insipid and banal, narrow-minded too.
    Also, disregarding other's creativity as crap is nothing butsuffering from superiority complex.
    I can go on and on...:P

  4. that's right,but,what we are talking here is of laying of those who are capable ,they are being laid of so that others could do their work .It's like using recession and making it even more intense !!(they are indeed creating a vicious cycle out of it)


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